Academic Program
An Overview of the Pleasant Valley Educational Program
Student Learning
To ensure daily success for every student, the Pleasant Valley School District focuses on teaching and learning that provides our students with a well-rounded and comprehensive education. All curricular areas use state and nationally recognized standards to ensure the development and implementation of rigorous programs of study for students in kindergarten through twelfth grades.
Curriculum Renewal
PVSD reviews all academic and elective programming on a cyclical basis to ensure applicability to student needs as well as standards alignment. The renewal process specific to a content area occurs formally every five years or sooner dependent upon revisions to and requirements of academic standards at the local, state or national level.
The purpose of the curriculum renewal process is to identify the strengths and needs of a curricular area so that the district can respond accurately and appropriately in ways that improve and/or enhance learning experiences and prepare our students for college and career in all instructed content areas. For general information about state standards, please go to the Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System and search under the standards tab. You will be able to search by subject area and grade level.
Teacher Learning
The Pleasant Valley School District is dedicated to the provision of ongoing staff development to support the continual growth and development of our staff helping all students succeed. Each year, a Professional Development Plan is crafted to provide a myriad of opportunities to increase the understanding of best practices and incorporation of 21 st century instructional tools and resources.
Professional Learning Communities
PVSD is in its 2 nd year utilizing Professional Learning Communities to support acquisition and growth of teaching skills as well as the academic performance of all students. As a PLC, we commit to engaging as collaborative teams focused on answering four critical questions about learning:
What is most essential for students to learn?
How will we know when they have learned it?
How will we respond when they have not learned?
How will we respond when they already know it?
Technology Integration
As we enter the new school year, PVSD students will engage in a blended learning model for instruction including opportunities for both face-to-face and remote learning. District provided devices have been disseminated to PV families to support remote instruction.
To enhance the efficiency of virtual learning, the district will be using Schoology in
grades 4-12 as a Learning Management System (LMS) to:
: Administer online curriculum materials;
: Track and report student data and information; and
: Deliver online instruction within a blended classroom environment.
The utilization of Schoology will allow PV teachers to focus on:
: Increasing student engagement;
: Creating deeper learning experiences;
: Providing opportunities for communication and collaboration;
: Assigning and collecting work electronically;
: Fostering 21st Century Skills and Digital Citizenship.
Schoology helps students and their families engage with learning materials and the
school community inside and outside of the classroom in a safe and monitored
teacher/administrator/parent online environment.
Similar to Schoology in grades 4-12, students in grades K-3 will be using the Seesaw
Application to support the bridge between in school and online learning.
Seesaw is a simple way for teachers and students to record and share what's
happening in the classroom.
Seesaw gives students:
: a place to document their learning;
: opportunity to be creative and learn how to use technology.
Seesaw empowers students to create, reflect, collaborate and share. It allows for
family members to use the Seesaw app to keep up to date with student learning, and
easily communicate between school and home.